university thesisAbstract
The development of the university thesis should be a simple, attractive and enjoyable process to stimulate the young person towards research. It shouldn't be complicated, cumbersome, or frustrating. Its results must be published in specialized magazines. In our country, numerous scientific events such as congresses, forums, seminars, meetings and others are held annually, most researchers are content to transmit their results orally, few are those who publish it for use by other specialists. The university is in charge of training future researchers with the example of their professors. The thesis for most young people is the beginning of scientific research. Each university is autonomous, each faculty has its own regulations and each advisor with his own method of how to guide research, there is no uniformity. The graduate who wants to be a researcher starting with the thesis must overcome a series of difficulties. What is the usefulness of the thesis, apart from allowing the graduate to access an academic degree, after having worked for months, sometimes years, with financial sacrifice, effort and time? Most are kept in libraries.
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