Helicobacter pylori, gastric deseases, water for human consumption, water treatmentAbstract
The presence of Helicobacter pylori in the contaminated water is common, but due to that in Huancayo there is a great number of people coho suffer of gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and stomach cancer moves us to searchtor the presence of this bacteria in the water for human consumption supplied by Sedam Huancayo, We have founded the presence of the H. pylori in the water of human consumption in Huancayo which becomes an infection and appeoning focus of these illnesses in the local inhobitaut of this city the presence research is the anslysis studyes has been characterized by toking 50 samples of water for human consemption supplied by Sedam Huancayo (from the two treatmenth plants and B tabular wells) which were put under laboratory analysis. We hed laboratory tests cultivation and immunology tests in order to detect the presence of Helicobocter pylori in the water. We used the hypothetical deductive method since the deduction has the following easy logical and obvious steps which helped to discover what we haven't taken into account previously. Through the induction method, we found very important items to accomplish a very faithfull investigation for example the elements considered as the objective of this study among the main results, we have found the presence of a Pylori in the 50 examined samples. The H. pylori has been found in the treatment plants, tubular walls and homes the treatmnt of water for human consumption supplied by Sedam Huancayo is not directed to control the H. pylori. We suggeste to improve the quantity and quality of clorine poured into the water (Sedam Company should improve the laboratory analysis of water) improvisig, the way of clorinization of water, to warranty its cleaness and make it ready for drinking Sedam Huancayo should improve laboratory anlysis of water to be able to realize analysis of bacterias such as the Helicobacter pylori, and hire specilized professional people to do these functions. Coordinate activies with DIGESAto improve the water analysis that goes to the population, this way contribuiting to the prevention af gastrointestical deseasses. Coordinate actions wil SEDAPALand other companies which supply water for human consumption around the country and overseas (Mexico, USA, Europe and others).
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