tourist infrastructureAbstract
The work of investigation “Design for a Tourist Development in the Junin Region” has been developed toward tourist strategies of development in the region, as a way to add value to this process . The present study is a model of descreptive type, and tries to show a situational diagnostic about the infrastructure, localization of tourist products in the region and for this, a survey was made to get informative from the tourists, in order to be able to measure their perception of their own point of view. The obtained results will serve as a base for the processes of its development. The content of the survey was selected considering the minimun reality of junín region, as well as standards which are dire to the fulfilled of being able to satisfy the spectaness acerraling to the levels of the tourist and their destinations The tourist infrastructure in junin region does not satisfy the requirements of the visitors there are many deficiencies that hinder a better tourist development in the region.
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