
  • Juan de Dios Palomino León Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Rosario Inés Flores Arroyo Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



educational relevance, educational quality, educational demands, educational contextualization, centrality of the learner


The present research was conducted to know how would a problematic system be designed to research the education relevance in the Junín Region? The objectives were: General: Design a problematic system to research the educational relevance an its particular connotations to areas as the Junín Region, and, to determinate on the educational reality of the Junín Region, the dimensions, problematic areas and principal problems in relation with the educative relevance susceptible to be approached through the pedagogical research. The hypothesis was: A problematic system designed to research the educational relevance in the Junín Region would be such that starting from the students characteristics it will guide to the search of the relevance, toward diverse areas of the system and educational process, relating it with the economic, social, cultural and historical context, in diverse sub regional spaces and considering the national and World demands for education. To check, it was used a descriptive, analytic critic and constructive methodology. The means and materials were characteristic of the bibliographical investigation and the cabinet work.


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

PROPOSAL FOR THE EDUCATION RELEVANCE RESEARCH IN THE JUNIN REGION. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 6(1), 173-177.