solar energy, heolic energy, electrification, solar irradiation, aerogenerators, energy accumulatorsAbstract
This research aims to evaluate the non-conventional, 100% organic, clean, cheap, renewable energy for the purpose of electrification in the remote villages of the Junín Region, outside of reach of the national interconnected power system (SEIN), determining its impact on the environment and people’s welfare in rural communities to later propose the generation of electrical power by the strength of wind and solar irradiation. This study, then, verifies and analyzes data provided by the SENAMHI, referring to wind and solar power in Peru. The results show that in some parts of the the Junín Region, it is feasible to build, install and operate centers for renewable energy electrical sources, since according to the preliminary wind map in the mountains, the average wind speed is around 2 to 4 m/s and the solar irradiation in the Junín Region is around 6.78 Kwh/m2. In the Peruvian jungle, the average wind speed is 2 m/s, which can be used for pumping water by mills or other applications; this could also take the form of electrical energy generation through central hydraulic peaks. The idea of moving towards different, cleaner, energy sources is evident, and the various governments must play a key role during these processes to become natural partners with energy companies, to address this problem in terms of both demand and supply.
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