heavy metals, concentration, intensive production, rainbow troutAbstract
It was studied the concentration of Cu, Zn, Fe, Pb of water used by 07 production centers of trout Yauli-Junín province, located in the districts of Huari (02), Paccha ( 01) and Casaracra (04), in order to determine the concentration level; for this, water samples were taken monthly. The determination and quantification of water heavy metals, was realized by spectrofhotometry atomic absorption, according the methodology recommended by FAO.
The study determined that the water total heavy metals concentrations, were significatives, exceeding the national water standars of environmental quality established by the Ambient Ministry of Peru, for the coast and sierra rivers, so for the LPMs established by the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) for the fresh water aquatic life and by World Health Organization (W.H.O.) for superficial water concentration, the Fe is the metal which is found in more concentration, followed del Zn, Pb y Cu, but the concentration of Pb, is superior even for the LMP established by the European Union for the trout culture.
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