
  • Feliza Chipana Beltran Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Veneranda Allauja Choque Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Mónica Arbizu Chipana Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Iris Arbizu Chipana Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



styles of healthy life, prevention de its hiv and aids in adolescents and young


The results of this investigation allows us to infer that the implementation of educational module on healthy lifestyles and prevention of STI / HIV and AIDS among adolescents and young adults significantly increases the level of knowledge about these issues, the implementation of the post test experimental group increased their knowledge in a 71.67% (86), do not change 28.33% (34), verified by standard tests where z = -6.40 p = 0.00000001. ). Regarding the control group this increased their knowledge by 60% (72), did not vary their knowledge 35,67% (44) and decrease 3.33% (4 |), where z = -5.35 p = 0.00000004. (see Table 6) After the implementation of the Post Test on the level of global knowledge dimensional scores (subject - item), the experimental group were 38.93% while the control group were 29.70% of these were found with the profile analysis where the calculated F and F is tabulated 37.75623 with 2 / 117 degrees of freedom is 3.92, which is accepted in an alternate hypothesis which states that if there is significant difference between the control and experimental group and nonexistence of parallelism of the profiles of the means.


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Area I - Health Sciences

How to Cite

CAPACITY BUILDING ON HEALTHY LIFESTYLES AND PREVENTION OF STI / HIV AND AIDS IN ADOLESCENTS - HUANCAYO 2007. (2022). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 6(1), 29-35.