socio-environmental conflicts, solid waste, environmental health, public participation, governanceAbstract
In recent years, Peru is going through various socio-environmental conflicts that cause not only material losses, but loss of life which are not recoverable. In those conflicts are at stake more than economic growth opportunities, the fate of the local environment, population life quality and continuity of regional economies and traditional ways of life (...) the conceptions of the world, nature and how humans interact and organize among themselves. The cities are growing demographic and territorial, they enter to a process of "modernity" that pushes the consumption of goods and services. Precisely that accelerated consumerism creates large amounts of solid waste disposal which will generate socio-environmental conflicts, since people have a right to live in a healthy environment, free of pathogens or contaminants and to access it, according to some interviewees, Solid waste must be removed from living quarters and agricultural land and livestock. Huancayo is no stranger to this problem, because among the major districts such as: Huancayo, El Tambo and Chilca, the metropolitan city of Huancayo generates a total of 258 tons per day of solid waste for final confinement, the authorities proposed plants seek to implement projects, more than an agreement between authorities, civil society and population, it generates socio-environmental conflicts. Such is the case occurred in 2008 in the annex of Lastay, where they tried to construct a waste solids treatment plant to solve the problem of disposal . But more than a solution what was generated was fought because the people (and annexes surrounding Lastay) organized civil society led by the Mayor of Concepcion, Oscar Berrios Fuentes, began an offensive collective remained facing the provinces of Huancayo and Concepcion, which caused human and material losses. Finally, the project was stopped because it was not possible to obtain the social license. This shows a clear opposition from most of the population towards the construction of treatment plants, solid waste or other similar projects near living quarters and / or agricultural land, and moreover, has generated local governance crisis and a negative of he mayor who in turn spoken and written press has described with adjectives of loss of principle of authority and lack of capacity and efficiency of local management with respect to solving the problems of the city.
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