Statistical multifractal, NDSI, band ratio 3/5, climate change, remote sensing, glacier retreatAbstract
The glacier mass loss of tropical glaciers in our country is so noticeable that even is considered as an indicator of climate change on planet earth is suffering. CONAM asserts, by the year 2020, all glaciers below 5 500 meters will disappear. A very modern techniques at the scientific level is the use of multifractal, which measures the magnitude probabilistically the surface of objects that wax and wane over time. In this paper, we apply the technique to estimate multifractal probabilistic glacier retreat of Peru's highest mountain (6768 m): Huascaran, with a coefficient of determination greater than 95%. Furthermore, entropy is measured as a contribution, we have found that El Niño and La Niña are perceived in the multifractal spectrum, indicating a substantial effect of these physical phenomena in the decrease and maintenance of the glacier surface, respectively. Mass software was used for the multifractal analysis and satellite imagery of the place, with the rate of snow NDSI and band ratio 3 / 5. The study aims to analyze using traditional techniques and multifractal, the deglaciation of Huascaran mountain in the Cordillera Blanca , Peru, as well as measuring the extent of deglaciation area from 1987 to 2009 and determine the fractal dimension using the band ratio 3 / 5 and entropy in time. From 1987 to 2008, the Huascaran glacier area has decreased by approximately 8.6%. In the Yungay area, where it is, the temperature has increased by approximately 0.08 ° C and precipitation decreased by 2.57 mm per year. In conclusion, multifractal modern techniques were very versatile, practical and sensitive to phenomena such as El Niño and La Niña to measure glacial retreat of our snow.
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