Attorney child as Traditional Authority Community in Santa Cruz de Ila


  • Juan Carlos Condor Ames Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Attorney, reciprocity, community, system and communal authorities slaughter


The rural community of Ila boasts having in its context as a first-order organizational structure under the concept of community is central town of Santa Cruz de Ila is located southeast side Pazos district, province Tayacaja, Huancavelica Region a altitude of 3658 m its main activity is the cultivation of maize and related cereals and potatoes in different varieties intangible heritage within the community are the various employers, the main one being 8 alluding to the Virgin of the Rosary October and allusive party to child Jesus on December 26 of each year. While the system of authority is disclosed under the communal system constituting a traditional communal child tax authority mentioned in this population center, forming a self-regulating the organizational life of the community of Santa Cruz de Ila.
This festival through this ritualized cargo sys-tem to go exercising children from 7 years lat-er in the initiation process for future authority in the communal order.
The rituálica share of tax Children obey a certain cyclical phase of the solar agricultur-al calendar which they call the year Wuata during March sacred time and associated re-cultivation corn Belt quintessential because it is located in the lower area between Quechua and chala and warm microclimate within the ecosystem of the basin of the river Pazos area.


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Area V - Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Attorney child as Traditional Authority Community in Santa Cruz de Ila. (2020). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 100-104.