Simulation of combined process for nitrifying and denitrifying removal of organic carbon and nitrogen
Simulation, Effluents from the fishing industry, Nitrifying and desnitrifying, Organic matterAbstract
Effluents from the fishing industry have a high concentration of organic and nitrogen matter; their discharge to water bodies affects the fauna present in these ecosystems. Nitrification is a biological process that oxidizes ammonia to nitrate, then this can be converted to nitrate nitrogen by other molecular biological process of denitrification. In this work a combined denitrifying-netrifying system has been studied whose configuration consisted of an anoxic reactor filter and an aerobic activated sludge reactor. The supply of organic matter and nitrogen was 1025 mg COT/ L and 660 mg N-NH4 +, respectively, average values obtained in the anaerobic reactor effluent used as the first stage of treatment of wastewater from the fishing industry. It has developed a mathematical model for the combined system based on mass balances and kinetic expressions. The model predictions were compared with experimental results where the removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen to modify the recirculation ratio were evaluated. The combined system has operated with different reasons for recirculation. By increasing the ratio of recirculation to a value of 1.25 removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen they remained constant. For a circulation ratio of 0.7, where organic and nitrogenous charge speed of 0.42 and 0.48 kg/m3 * d is reached, and a COT/N-NH4 + ratio of 1, a removal efficiency of organic carbon and nitrogen is achieved 95 % and 80 % respectively. However, by increasing circulation to 2.35, the removal efficiency low ammonium dramatically to levels below 50 %, whereas the removal efficiency of organic carbon is maintained over 80%. The result shows that with a ratio of 0.7 to recirculation simultaneous removal of organic carbon and nitrogen is achieved. The model adequately predicts the behavior of the system.
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