Recharge of aquifers with the construction of qochas in the headwaters of the basins
Qocha, Aquifer resources, Basin head, Infiltration, River precipitationAbstract
The recharge of the aquifer is important to keep the flows downstream in the rivers and springs constant, therefor the headwaters of the sub-basins of the rivers Shullcas, Cunas, Yacus, Achamayo and Chanchas have been located identifying areas and determining in them the runoff and the infiltration of the water in the ground, recharging the aquifer in this way. In the headwaters of the basins the annual precipitations are high reaching 794,95 mm., However due the deteriorated thing in which are the headwaters of basin the waters of precipitation that fall on this surface are lost by runoff. With this technique is possible to store much of the water lost by runoff in aquifers because of this precipitation and over an area of 1,00 ha, the aquifers can be recharged to a volume of 1,05 m3 of water. This recharge is due to the speed of water infiltration by the layers of soil that in this case has an average of 14,57 cm/hr.
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