Effect of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil on the growth of Pinus tecunumanii in Satipo
Soil characteristics, Soil fertility, Plant growth, Organic and inorganic matter, Phenotypic characteristics of plantsAbstract
In the present study, the five-year Pinus tecunumanii plantations of the Satipo Agricultural Experimental Station, located in the province of Satipo, presented plants with different growth rates, hence the growth of the plants and soils of each one of the strata, were evaluated, and then relate the characteristics of the soil and the growth of plants, describing and correlating the variables under study in pits and plantations. The results show that the Pinus tecunumanii plot has three differentiated growth strata, of which the high stratum has the highest growth in both plant height and stem diameter, the stratum with the lowest growth is at the top of the plot. The A horizons soil, from the stratum of greater growth, has a higher organic matter content, greater infiltration and effective depth, in addition to greater number of earthworms than the low growth stratum soils. The soils in each of the strata have a low content of phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, which is why they are considered low fertility soils, although the organic matter content has a medium level. It also has no acidity problems on the horizon. There is a significant relationship between the content of organic matter, the effective depth, the infiltration rate, the earthworms content and the plants growth, in general, as these variables increase, so does the growth of Pinus tecunumanii.
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