Collaborative active strategy influential factor in learning Mathematical Analysis I, students of Management Science: National University Center Peru - 2014


  • Amelida Flores Gamboa Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Conny Samaniego Flores Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Danny Samanigo Flores Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



active-collaborative, Quantitative Approach, Derivative, Pisa


The present work has been done trying to help students improve academic performance in the course of Mathematical Analysis. In this regard, the overall objective is to determine the influence of the application of the methodological strategy collaborative active in Learning Mathematical Analysis I, students of Management Sciences, National University of Central Peru - 2014. The Program for International Student Assessment, better known as Pisa, analyzes the performance of 15 year old students in subjects such as math, language arts and science from a few tests that were subjected schoolchildren in 65 countries, representing 80% of the world population, where the last of the list and the group of Latin America is Peru. This problem also affects the upper level where students have demonstrated: insufficient training on issues of mathematics in secondary and inadequate presentation methodologies, development and evaluation of the contents of the Basic math courses in the first semester education. This research have the direct participation of 42 students of the third semester as a whole, the activities for implementation were planned for the chapter on applications of the derivative, Finally it is concluded that the active collaborative strategy is the dynamic hub with the active and collaborative participation of students allowing us to check the overall objective in this investigation.


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Area IV - Ciencia Administrativas Económicas y Contables

How to Cite

Collaborative active strategy influential factor in learning Mathematical Analysis I, students of Management Science: National University Center Peru - 2014. (2020). University Prospective in Engineering and Technology, 11(1), 57-66.