Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation for this has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
- All authors have contributed to the preparation of the manuscript, declare that they have no conflicts of interest, have consent to the submission, agree, sign and attach the Cover Letter, authorization and declarations.
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format, according to the Article Template for Submission, with a maximum length of up to 15 pages for research articles, up to 20 pages for review articles and up to 8 pages for case reports, not including references.
- Whenever possible, URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The article must have at least 15 most relevant and up-to-date publications. It is recommended to cite two (2) theses from the Institutional Repository or two (2) articles from the Institutional Journals of UNCP.
- The text is single-spaced; 11-point font size; Book Antiqua font size 11; 1.5 spacing and extra space (6 points) before and after headings, subheadings, and paragraphs; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, according to the Article Submission Template.
- The submitted manuscript is original, conforms to the editorial standards, and adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
1. Arquitectura
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
2. Ingeniería Civil
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
3. Ingeniería de Minas
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
4. Ingeniería de Sistemas
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
5. Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
6. Ingeniería Mecánica
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
7. Ingeniería Metalúrgica y de Materiales
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
8. Ingeniería Química
Article communicating original research. The journal considers all original research manuscripts, provided that the work provides a substantial amount of new information. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review. URLs, DOIs or other digital identifiers are provided for references. The maximum length is 15 pages (not considering the reference section), 240 words for the abstract, up to 8 figures and tables, between 15 and 40 bibliographical references and up to 5 authors.
Copyright Notice
Los autores de los artículos publicados siguen siendo los titulares de los derechos de autor y otorgan a terceros el derecho de usar, reproducir y compartir el artículo de acuerdo con el acuerdo de licencia Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0 DEED - Attribution 4.0 International). Los autores mantienen el derecho a compartir, copiar, distribuir, ejecutar y comunicar públicamente su artículo, o parte de él, mencionando la publicación original en la Revista PUCACE. Los autores pueden archivar en el repositorio de su institución:
- La tesis de grado de la cual derive el artículo publicado.
- La versión pre-print: versión previa a la revisión por pares.
- La versión post-print: versión final posterior a la revisión por pares.
- La versión definitiva o final creada por el editor para su publicación.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.