Thinking style of teacher education students on how to respond to stress


  • Evelin Ketty Blancas Torres Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. Facultad de Educación. Programa de Estudios de Educación Primaria. Huancayo - Perú
  • Pedro Barrientos Gutiérrez Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. Facultad de Educación. Programa de Estudios de Educación Primaria. Huancayo - Perú



Thinking style, personality traits, stress


Thought being the invisible source of problems that affect our lifestyle, for being ruminates or pessimists; Given this, it is necessary to learn to take care of ourselves and protect ourselves from these automatic patterns that damage our health. These personality traits have a genetic component; That is why childhood traumas frequently generate negative thoughts, becoming habits for our entire lives. In this context, the purpose of the research was to determine the thinking style that affects how to respond to stress in initial teacher training students; For this, 143 students of the Primary Education Study Program have been selected as research subjects; A descriptive and exploratory study was assumed, under the interpretative-hermeneutic methodology, using a self-assessment questionnaire on thinking style. The results obtained indicate that the students present very pessimistic, half-hostile and little rumination traits, which makes the students vulnerable in the way they respond to stress in times of quarantine, feel little purpose in life, letting them have a healthy lifestyle, physiological health and stress resistance.


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How to Cite

Blancas Torres, E. K., & Barrientos Gutiérrez, P. (2023). Thinking style of teacher education students on how to respond to stress. orizonte e a iencia, 13(25), 114–121.



Investigación en Educación