Legal and Theoretical Foundations for the Creation of a Savings and Credit Cooperative in the Mascarillas-Carchi Community (Ecuador)
Fundamentals, legal, theoretical, cooperative, savings, credit, MascarillasAbstract
The purpose of the research was to analyze the legal and theoretical aspects that allow the creation of a savings and credit cooperative in the community of Mascarillas, province of Carchi in Ecuador. A descriptive investigation was used where the most important characteristics of the national legal instruments, and the theoretical aspects for the creation of the cooperative were reflected. Likewise, a documentary research design was used since second-hand bibliographic and digital sources were consulted, as well as laws, theories and legal instruments related to the subject. The data analysis techniques that were used were content analysis and hermeneutics that allowed interpreting the information collected. The results evidenced the need for a social entity that provides financial services with opportunities for all the inhabitants of the sector. It was concluded that a new cooperative will promote a savings and credit activity allowing the economic development of the population of Mascarilla and its surrounding territories to be generated.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Carlos Javier Lizcano Chapeta, Marco Patricio Villa Zura
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