El hipotético-deductivismo en la explicación de las ciencias sociales


  • Pepe Raú De la Cruz Sullca Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú




The explanation is a core task in the theoretical construction of any system of science. Carl Hempel for social science effects proposes the statistical explanation that as we recognize in the present paper has its limitations according to the definition proposed by the same Hempel according to which every explanation involves a theory. As for hypothetical-deductivism, we will call hypothetical-sophisticated deductivism developed by Popperian Imri Lakatos and is the type of hypothetical-deductivism that we suggest fits the explanations within the social sciences, because they allow to postulate ad hoc hypothesis.


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Investigación en Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

El hipotético-deductivismo en la explicación de las ciencias sociales. (2020). Horizonte De La Ciencia, 10(18). https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.horizonteciencia.2020.18.430