Emotional intelligence and learning achievements in the area of Communication in students of the Educational Institution "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo" Pichanaqui - 2015


  • Yanina Yaqueline Gonzales Chanca I.E. José Carlos Mariátegui - Mazamari


Emotional intelligence, learning achievements, Communication's area.


This investigation was in order to know about the relation between the emotional intelligence and the learning achievements in the area of Communication in students of the Educational Institution Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Pichanaqui - 2015. For such effect, correlational accomplished a descriptive research itself and the sample was shaped by 276 students of both grades that are in the 3rd and 4th Grade In Secondary School whom they were applied the Inventory of Emotional of Bar.On (ICE) adapted by (Ugarriza & Pajares, 2001)

In the same way, right after defendant the information, it bestowed the results upon the tutors of the respective classrooms for your analysis itself and sharing with the students of the sample.

The most important findings were: There is a statistically important relation between the emotional intelligence and the learning achievements, as well as: The emotional components interpersonal, intrapersonal, adaptability, handling of the stress and positive impression presented a statistically significant relation with the academic achievement.

In conclusion it was determined that there is the acquaintance important between the emotional intelligence and the learning achievements in the area of Comunication in students of Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo school from Pichanaqui, this degree of intensity determined itself applying the correction of the V of Cramer and being the Chi squared of 0.016. Getting ratified with hypothesis testing getting 21.0261 in the zone indirectly and with a degree of freedom of 12.


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Artículo de revisión

How to Cite

Emotional intelligence and learning achievements in the area of Communication in students of the Educational Institution "Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo" Pichanaqui - 2015. (2024). Germinal, 1(06), 36-51. https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/germinal/article/view/2035