Understanding reader and standard of learning in the area of communication in the students of the fifth of secondary of the I.E. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo


  • Tania Poma Soto Institución Educativa Particular Kernel – Sicaya.


understanding reader, standard of learning


Did the investigation have as central problem Which the relationship that exists between the understanding reader and the learning standards in the area of the Recruit's students' communication of Secondary of the I.E is. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo? The objective that guides from principle to end to determine the relationship that exists between the understanding reader and the learning standards in the area of the Recruit's students' communication of Secondary of the I.E. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo. The hypothesis was the relationship that exists between the understanding reader and the learning standards in the area of the Recruit's students' communication of Secondary of the I.E. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo, is direct and significant. Quantitative, traverse investigation and with design descriptive correlational. It shows censal it was conformed by 163 students. The used instruments were: the pedagogic test of reading understanding LISIN (Palacios, 2016) and the promotional records of the Communication area. The evidences allow us to conclude that positive correlation exists, significant of high and strong level between the understanding reader and the learning standards in the area of the students' of the Fifth Grade Communication of Secondary of the I.E. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo.


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How to Cite

Understanding reader and standard of learning in the area of communication in the students of the fifth of secondary of the I.E. "Mariscal Castilla" - El Tambo. (2024). Germinal, 1(06), 21-35. https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/germinal/article/view/2034