¿At what point had Peru been screwed?Mario Vargas Llosa: The Intellectual and Freedom


  • Luis Miguel Lazo López Facultad de Sociología / Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú


Intellectual, Screwed, Ideology, Corruption, Freedom.


Talking about Mario Vargas Llosa is, today, very complex, complicated and even controversial, since the social spheres in which he has moved are very diverse, ranging from the literary to the political. Faced with this complexity, our intention is singularity. Thus, in this manuscript a sociological analysis is made of the popular phrase: ¿At what moment had Peru been screwed?, recounted in his most important novel, Conversation in the Cathedral (1969). We analyze the literary, political and intellectual aspects of this mystery, in order to explain its sociological meaning, which, among other things, leads us to the conclusion that Peru got screwed when it became accustomed to living in corruption. The solution to this problem, according to Mario Vargas Llosa, is found in freedom and liberalism.


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How to Cite

¿At what point had Peru been screwed?Mario Vargas Llosa: The Intellectual and Freedom. (2023). Germinal, 1(05), 94-108. https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/germinal/article/view/1837