The image as a strategy and comprehension of expository texts in secondary students, Huancayo


  • Marilia Alexander De la Cruz Miguel Facultad de educación / Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú


Reading Comprehension, Image, Strategy, Expository Texts


The investigation was carried out with the objective of determining the effect of the image, as strategy, in the understanding of the students' of the 1° texts expositivos of secondary of the I.E.P.A. – UNCP. Quantitative investigation. It was executed learning sessions by means of images for the process of understanding of texts expositive. As part of the execution and evaluation of the understanding of texts expositive has been able to observe that the students can work by means of strategies, being autodidactic and without pressure. You concludes that the students should have a motivation and good direction of understanding and not to look for to be radical as for seeing how much they understood or what it is what you/they understand each that you/they read, but rather it is necessary to think in what that is they would make so that the ideas flow in front of the questions and the analysis of a text. A comparison list was used for the first variable and an objective test, for second o'clock; this instrument has been adapted. It shows non-probabilistic. Was the puntajes analyzed through the statistical package SPSS V.24, to which were found the measures of central tendency and those of dispersion and for the docimasia of the hypothesis the was used "t" of Student for data related with? = 0.05 of error probability.


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Artículos Originales

How to Cite

The image as a strategy and comprehension of expository texts in secondary students, Huancayo. (2022). Germinal, 1(04), 80-89.