Evaluation of the population structure of llamas, to implement a nucleus of reproducers in I.N.I.A. Santa Ana - Huancayo


  • Oscanoa Cóndor Walter Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. El Tambo, Huancayo, Perú
  • Núñez Romero Jorge Andrés Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. El Tambo, Huancayo, Perú
  • Pahuara Farfán Lariz Evelyn Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú. El Tambo, Huancayo, Perú


Estructura poblacional, nivel genético de llamas, frecuencia, porcentajes de edades, variedad de colores de vellón


The research was carried out with the objective of evaluating the current situation of the population structure of llamas in the productive unit of I.N.I.A. Santa Ana de Huancayo, in order to serve as a basis for the implementation of a breeding nucleus. The research was descriptive, with an observational design. We worked in the management area of the I.N.I.A., for the formation of a nucleus of llama breeders. The methodology used was the validated one proposed by Lauvergne et al. (1997), called Population Structure. This methodology is based on the realization of a "Screening” or survey of the zootechnical populations. We worked with a total of 315 llamas of different ages, sexes and fleece color categories. It was
concluded that the population structure in terms of age and
sex showed a greater number of adult animals and fewer young animals, which indicates a low replacement rate in the future. The only breed or genetic level defined for the study and the formation of the breeding nucleus is based on Q’ara llamas. The most prevalent fleece color was brown, in both sexes, in males there is a smaller variety of colors than in females. The population base, for the studied environment, considering its space and cattle movement advantages, makes the formation and declaration of the reproductive nucleus feasible and viable.



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How to Cite

Evaluation of the population structure of llamas, to implement a nucleus of reproducers in I.N.I.A. Santa Ana - Huancayo. (2022). Voz Zootenista, 2(1), 16-19. https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/vozzootecnista/article/view/1825