Review of how to obtain compost from organic wastes generated in guinea pig breeding and slaughtering
Compost, microorganismos, biodegradación, anaeróbicoAbstract
Organic waste from animal production processed by composting to manage waste and produce high-value organic fertilizers has been developed worldwide. After application as a biofertilizer, it increases the organic matter content of the soil, which facilitates microbial activity and improves soil fertility, which also supports crop growth. On the other hand, it can facilitate soil remediation of heavy metals. Throughout the study, a review of scientific articles on the physicochemical characteristics of compost from waste has been carried out. It has been observed that to improve its effectiveness as a fertilizer, it is possible to reinforce its composition by adding elements such as hair, blood and intestines; which are residues from guinea pig slaughtering, as well as phosphoric rock, agricultural lime and dairy product remains. The articles analyzed indicate that composting is effective in guiding and regulating the mineralization of organic matter, highlighting its applicability in the prevention of soil erosion.
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