Experience of the literary gatherings to improve the understanding of written texts


  • Jessica Deniss Eizaguirre Castro I.E. 19 de abril de Chupaca




Comprehension of texts, Literary gatherings


The research started from the need to improve reading comprehension, a basic activity for the integral development of the student; since, if written texts are not understood, there will be difficulties in the various areas of educational training. Then, through the organization of dialogical gatherings, it was possible to determine the influence of these on the comprehension of written texts in students of the 5th grade of the secondary level in the Educational Institution 19 de Abril - Chupaca. This one has a quantitative approach, with a quasi-experimental design. It was applied to a sample of 141 students of both sexes. For the data collection, the entrance and exit test on comprehension of written texts and the observation sheet for the realization of the literary gatherings were used. Finally, it was concluded that literary gatherings significantly influence the comprehension of written texts; since, it helps to achieve the critical level when arguing their opinions regarding the text read. Statement that is made according to the results of the calculated t and the t table, which yielded the level of significance; Therefore, it allowed rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternate hypothesis


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How to Cite

Experience of the literary gatherings to improve the understanding of written texts. (2023). Germinal, 1(05), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.26490/ger.v1i5.1832