The pedagogic language in the professional training in the National University of Huancavelica


  • Manuel Jesús Basto Sáez Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica


Pedagogic language, professors


With the target to meet which age the type of pedagogic language that the university teachers use in the classrooms of the National University of Huancavelica, in a sample of 565 students of both sexes and whose ages were understood mainly between 25-37 years (more of 60). A scale was applied composed of 40 items and that, on having been validated by the statistician Alpha de Crombach, threw a value of 0.5932 what it would indicate us that the test is highly reliable. With the measurements of central tendency and of dispersion the diagnostic levels were established for the above mentioned scale ending that 51,5 of the studied sample perceives to the university teacher below the average. This fact would be validating the hypothesis raised in the present investigation. Across the analysis of items one found that of 40 items that were shaping the test, in 18 items the pupils were tending to quaify the teacher in negative form and the percentages were going from 35 to 60 of deficit. On having applied the skills inferenciales, one found that a highly significant affiliation existed between the diagnostic levels and variable sex (these variables are highly related or are very dependent). On having tried to establish differences between averages bearing in mind the sex and the entire puntajes, one found that yes there were differences. Nevertheless, one did not find differences for groups of ages. Finally it is recommended to make a replicación for all the faculties of the university; that design to themselves programs of human and pedagogic development gone to students and professors.


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How to Cite

The pedagogic language in the professional training in the National University of Huancavelica. (2021). Diagnóstico Educativo, 4(4).