Essay on the few, the few and the many in Peru


  • Julián Alberto Berrocal Camarena Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Domination, colonialism, decoloniality, dependence, poverty


The topic is very complaining. Is it true that Peru belongs to the few, the few and the many? How can we understand these political, social, economic, and educational differences that Peru presented and presents? The ones, made up of businessmen, the construction group, the media who seek power, wealth and have become the leaders of the destiny of our country.

The few are the professionals, the emerging merchants, the micro-entrepreneurs who seek to progress and see the country, as the world of opportunities that seek their particular or group interests, to achieve social prestige, political power, because they were almost always excluded. and marginalized by some.

The many are the poor, the marginalized and the economically, socially and politically excluded, who live only on hopes rooted in their customs, their religious creeds, traditions imposed since the conquest motivated by colonialism.


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Essay on the few, the few and the many in Peru. (2023). Alborada De La Ciencia, 3(3), 30-36.