Effect of breed on reaction speed (temperament) in sheep from the Junín Region, Peru – 2023



Reaction speed, burrow test, animales dóciles, animales nerviosos


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of
breed on reaction speed (temperament) in sheep from the
Junín region, Peru - 2023. The sample consisted of 60 sheep
of the breeds “Junín”, “Corriedale” and “Criollo”. A distance of 5
meters was measured with a polypropylene blanket that served
as a passageway for the animal. Two people were selected to
be in charge of the start and end of the stretch, the latter
was timed with a stopwatch. It was observed that the sheep
obtained 3.02 ± 0.11 reaction speed in m/s different from that
reported by the breeds Junin and Corriedale, which obtained
2.44 ± 0.11 and 1.37 ± 0.19 reaction speed in m/s, respectively.
It was concluded that reaction speeds in sheep vary according
to breed, with animals with higher speeds being considered
nervous and those with lower speeds being considered docile


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How to Cite

Effect of breed on reaction speed (temperament) in sheep from the Junín Region, Peru – 2023. (2024). Voz Zootenista, 3(1). https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/vozzootecnista/article/view/2097

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