Evaluation of llama semen in the Productive Unit of I.N.I.A. Santa Ana-Huancayo
Evaluación, semen, concentración, calidad, motilidadAbstract
Reproductive aspects have been investigated at the sex level in llamas in different regions of Peru and South America. However, specific information on these aspects is scarce, particularly in the Junín region. For this reason, a study focused on the quality of llama semen was carried out. In addition, the initiative to establish a nucleus of reproducers in the I.N.I.A. Productive Unit was considered, which motivated the realization of this research. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of semen in llamas from the I.N.I.A. Santa Ana de Huancayo Production Unit, whose breeding was developed in the Suitucancha area located at 4200 m above sea level. For this purpose, semen samples were taken with artificial vagina from 4 male llamas, following the established protocols,
reaching the conclusion that the parameters evaluated on the quality of semen from llamas identified as the basis for the nucleus of reproducers indicate that they have a good qualityand that they can be used to promote diversity in the area of influence of the I.N.I.A.
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