Cerebral Dominance of the Students of the Specialty of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Human Relations of the Education Faculty of the National University of Central Peru
Cerebral dominance, students, gender, males, womenAbstract
The objective of the research work was to determine the differences in brain dominance between genders; it was used a 40-question questionnaire based on the Herrmann total brain model that was applied to 86 students. The hypothesis test was processed with Pearson's chi square; the results show that there are differences in brain dominance between men and women; in addition, it was determined that 29% of the total students avoid their cerebral dominance. The left and right hemispheres present a Spearman correlation of 0.42; this finding implies that double dominance is unlikely to occur within the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gustavo Álvarez, Jorge Arauco, Karina Palomino

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