Oral comprehension in students of the first grade of secondary of the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión educational institution- El Tambo, Huancayo


  • Rocío del Pilar Castro Valverde Facultad de Educación / Universidad César Vallejo de Trujillo
  • Dulio Oseda Gago Facultad de Educación / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Ruth Katherine Mendivel Gerónimo Facultad de Educación / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
  • Ketty Ruth Rosales Hinostroza Docente / Universidad Peruana Los Andes.


Learning styles, Reading comprehension, Students


The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between learning styles and reading comprehension among students of the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Universidad Peruana Los Andes - 2018. The research belongs to applied research and correlational level, as methods the descriptive method and the hypothetical deductive method were used, with a descriptive - correlational design. The research had a population of 898 students from the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Universidad Peruana Los Andes, and the sample was taken probabilistically and consisted of 260 students enrolled regularly. Finally, it is concluded that with a level of significance of 5%, and a coefficient of Spearman's rho equal to 0.846 there is a very strong direct and significant relationship between learning styles and reading comprehension in the students of the Faculty of Law. and Political Science of the Universidad Peruana Los Andes - 2018; establishing that to a better predominant learning style there will be a better level of reading comprehension and vice versa.


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How to Cite

Castro Valverde, R. del P., Oseda Gago, D., Mendivel Gerónimo, R. K., & Rosales Hinostroza, K. R. (2022). Oral comprehension in students of the first grade of secondary of the José Faustino Sánchez Carrión educational institution- El Tambo, Huancayo. erminal, 1(03), 32–38. etrieved from https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/germinal/article/view/1628



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