The validity and the trustworthiness of the test of understanding of texts applied to students of fourth degree of primary


  • Elvia Taipe Melgar Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perù


Reading understanding, communicative textual, trustworthiness, validity


In the present article one analyzed the validity and trustworthiness of the test of text understanding that was applied to the students of the District of Anco, which was elaborated by a Technical Commission of the Unit of Local Educative Management of Churcampa, to measure the level of reading understanding of the students of 4° of the province of Churcampa. Within the framework of the textual communicative approach. The results found for the present investigation showed that the objective test of 4° presents/displays an Alpha of Cronbach of 0.79 indicating that the instrument has a moderate trustworthiness. Some items of the tests must of being corrected since they showed that they are nonvalid, the evaluation instruments must process be by the psicométricas tests of the validity and the trustworthiness.


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How to Cite

The validity and the trustworthiness of the test of understanding of texts applied to students of fourth degree of primary. (2021). Diagnóstico Educativo, 4(4).