Styles of learning and academic achievement in students of engineering agroindustrial at national university of the center of Peru


  • Erika Amelia De La Cruz Porta Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perù


Poll CHAEA, university students, higher education


The investigation took as an object to determine the interrelation between the styles of learning and academic achievement of the students of Engineering Agroindustrial, it is of type applied and level correlacional. The sample constituted by 61 students registered in the school period 2017-I. For the compilation of information, there was used the questionnaire of Honey-Alonso of styles of learning and consolidated of ballots of notes of the students who took part in the poll. The results demonstrate a major predilection for the reflective one and the pragmatic one and minor one for the theoretical one and the active one. The academic achievement denotes an academic level in advance. The interrelation of Spearman shows that interrelation exists between the academic achievement and the styles of reflective, theoretical and pragmatic learning with a positive rs, the opposite case with the style of active learning, in addition to demonstrating an inverse rs.


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How to Cite

Styles of learning and academic achievement in students of engineering agroindustrial at national university of the center of Peru. (2021). Diagnóstico Educativo, 4(4).