The index of multidimensional poverty as associate factor of the yield of the students in mathematics, ECE 2015


  • Martin Efraín Mendoza Bolo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


Multidimensional poverty, achievement of learning, scale of Mathematics, Evaluation Censal


In the present article of investigation there is explored the relation (statistically significant affiliation) between multidimensional poverty and levels of achievement of learning of the students of the second grade of secondary in the Evaluation Students' Censal of the year 2015, confirming the results obtained (levels of achievements) of the students of the second grade of secondary in the field of Mathematics, with the multidimensional proportion of poor people for region. At a declarative level the Department of Education, as governing entity, prioritizes the development of capacities in the students in the frame of an integral education (it involves not only the cognitive and procedural thing, also the domain actitudinal, emotionally and affectively). The assumption is that the teaching competences go at the same time to the pedagogic proposed approach and are demonstrated in the classroom of class during the meetings of learning.


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How to Cite

The index of multidimensional poverty as associate factor of the yield of the students in mathematics, ECE 2015. (2021). Diagnóstico Educativo, 4(4).