Construction of an instrument to learn about strategic planning and school management models


  • Roberto Tito Trinidad Marcelo Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Planning models, strategic planning, school management, school planning


This article is based on a preliminary work to the investigation that is carried out to know the models of strategic planning and school management of public educational institutions that are applied in the planning process. For this, we present and put for the consideration of the academic community the instrument used in this work, which has been the questionnaire and the checklist, in which open and closed questions were considered, which has allowed us to guarantee an investigation based on the collection of information from a pilot test submitted to a representative sample. Based on our comparative causal descriptive research design, prior to this and following the steps of the scientific methodology, the content has been validated through expert judgment, which gives us a reliability value of a = 0.909 of the items raised on the instrument. So it is assumed that the research will be reliable and also based on experience.


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Construction of an instrument to learn about strategic planning and school management models. (2022). Alborada De La Ciencia, 2(2), 59-69.