Nature and Specificity of Research at the Faculty of Social Work at the National University of Central Peru


  • Ricardo Walter Soto Sulca Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú
  • Julissa Karent Muñoz Rojas Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú



Nature, Methodology, Supervision, Professional Practices, Social Work


Our intention in this investigation is to know the intellectual production of the teachers of the Faculty of Social Work between the years 1978-1972, in this period the teachers have contributed in the discussion about the nature of Social Work, the methodological process and the development of the professional practices that allow us to propose in the first line a reflection on the academic production of teachers in a process of globalization, being necessary to have a new reading of our career. Precisely, the objective of this research is to place articles and debates around the nature, methodology, practices-supervision in Social Work that are published in the UNITS magazine between the years 1978-1982. In this sense, the investigation work on the nature of the professional career developed by the faculty of the Social Work Faculty are valid and can be debated and sometimes create expectations such knowledge is indispensable for the contribution in the academic formation of the students, graduates and teachers, is currently losing critical thinking. After the nineties there have been important changes in the global world where paradigms are destroyed, utopias disappear in the social sciences, they begin to look from theoretical knowledge to instrumental pragmatism. Social Work is not alien to all the discourse of instrumental pragmatism that is being implemented in all social sciences, leaving aside the search for a critical theory that can serve as a principle or philosophy and guide our intervention.


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Author Biographies

  • Ricardo Walter Soto Sulca, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú

    Docente e investigador de la Facultad de Trabajo Social, en temas: Trabajo Social, Sociología de Infancia, Estudios Culturales, Política. Magister en Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

  • Julissa Karent Muñoz Rojas, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú

    Docente e investigadora de la Facultad de Trabajo, líneas de investigación en trabajo social; desarrollo humano y políticas sociales. Magister en Políticas Sociales con mención en Promoción de la Infancia por la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú.


Contreras, N. (1981). La teoría funcionalista y su aplicación en practicas en Trabajo Social en comunidades. UNITS 3, 26-31.

Cusianovich, A. (2016). Pedagogia de la ternura y Trabajo Social. Praxis Social, 107-125.

Estrada,G. Maravi,L. (1979). Caracter de Clase del Servicio Social. UNITS 2, 15-22.

Ibañez, T. (1994). Psicologia Social Construccionista. Guadalajara - Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara.

Manrique, A. (1981). A proposito de la pretendida concientización del pueblo para su liberación. UNITS - 3, 5-13.

Micheline, E. (1978). El Servicio Social y el papel de las ideas en el desarrollo social. UNITS-1, 56-72.

Micheline, E. (1982). Tareas del Trabajo Social comprometido. UNITS - 4, 34-61.

Montaño, C. (1998). Naturaleza del Servicio Social. San Pablo-Brasil: Cortez.

Tanaka, M. (2016). Una evaluación post-factum de los grandes debates políticos en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la PUCP. En F. Alan, El Perú visto desde las Ciencias Sociales. Lima: Fondo editorial PUCP.

Vasquez, M. (1978). Practicas en el sector rural-UNCP. UNITS - 1, 23-36.





Investigación en Ciencias Sociales

How to Cite

Nature and Specificity of Research at the Faculty of Social Work at the National University of Central Peru. (2021). Horizonte De La Ciencia, 11(20), 117-124.