Una pedagogía para la comprensión del texto y el pensamiento crítico


  • Ulises Ventura Montes Universidad Marcelino Champagnat




ñawinchay mayay,allip umachakuy,umapiyay lichkaciyNibarintsi katingaro: ogogero nibabasitagantsi, kengagantsi kaninaro, kengagitotagantsi. An educational policy thought, alone, in the mediation, animation and familiarization of reading, is not enough to solve the problem, present, for years, at the low levels of reading comprehension. The purpose of this research is to elucidate the causes that motivate the elementary school student to have little or no understanding of the text, and how, this, has a negative impact on the development of critical thinking. In this sense, it begins by answering a first question, is it possible to teach to understand a text?, and then understand why basic education students do not understand what they read? It ends with a pedagogical proposal that encourages more cognitive activity and not just a simple mediation (didactic sum of reading strategies and techniques) for understanding. For this reason, a theoretical review was made on the benefits of brain stimulation. The research concludes that the understanding of the text and the development of critical thinking do not depend only on the mediation and animation of structured reading, as such, in the Institutional Reading Plan, but to a large extent, its progress is due to cognitive stimulation permanent, centered on a pedagogy of body movement, of the logical and artistic stimulus of the student; especially if you work from an early age.


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Investigación en Educación

How to Cite

Una pedagogía para la comprensión del texto y el pensamiento crítico. (2020). Horizonte De La Ciencia, 10(18). https://doi.org/10.26490/uncp.horizonteciencia.2020.18.421