Freud x Lacan: ¿Dualidad o complementariedad en el estudio de la angustia?


  • Sônia Grácia Pucci Medina Associação Psicanalítica do Município do Rio de Janeiro



The object of study of this work is the compilation of the theory of the concept of anguish developed by Freud in its relations with the concept of repression. Throughout his work, there are two theories and several elaborations about anguish. Freud after 1925/6 often refers to his two theories, although to some extent theories overlap and intertwine. Until 1925/6 the term anguish is understood as the effect of excessive dammed stimuli due to non-drive satisfaction. The subject prevented from discharging the sexual libido, over the accumulation of arousals, turns them into symptoms of fear, causing sweating, tachycardia, muscle contractions, among others. Concrete external circumstances or insufficient maturation prevent the subject from freely satisfying his drive urges and produce distress states. Freud's idea is old when he writes his letters to Breuer, and compiles in “The Psychic Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena” (1996, p. 41) on the Psychic Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena: “that excess stimuli are experienced by the subject as something overwhelming that leads him to a state of fear and helplessness”. In this way, repression eventually produces the various forms of anxiety neurosis. By reformulating his theory of anguish, Freud maintains the idea that the subject exposed to excessive arousal lives in a situation of helplessness, needing to deal with the swirling stimuli that affect him in the face of real or imaginary threat of data. It develops the Theory of the Second Topic, and situates the EU as a place of fear and presents another conception of the relationship between repression and anguish, reverses the previous sequence of repression produced by anguish and states that it will be the anguish that the EU feels towards the danger, which will lead the subject to repression. Basically, fears such as the fear of castration or the fear of loss of maternal love will lead the subject to repress his libidinal tendencies.


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How to Cite

Freud x Lacan: ¿Dualidad o complementariedad en el estudio de la angustia?. (2020). Horizonte De La Ciencia, 10(18).

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