The man and the culture


  • Alfredo Walter Ayala Cárdenas Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú


Man, reality, history, context, economic, social, politician, culture


The intention is to contribute to the debate, polemic, discussion, reflection on the man and the culture. Having, as reference, the reality: Conceptions on the man, nature. History, the context, economic, social, political, cultural. He understands: From the physical domain to the cultural domain. The material dependency on the mental dependency. Are we insinuating to be opposed to the foreign thing? That, task is the historical Project Peru of all the bloods and the Intercultural education. Free, independent Peru, with national economy, identity, intercultural education on the base of the Andean - Amazon culture.


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Kliksberg, B. (2002). Hacia una economía con rostro humano. Buenos Aires: Fondo de cultura económica. Argentina.

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