A first date with professionalism


  • Marilyn Chamorro Rojas National University of the Center of Peru - Faculty of Social Work


Prácticas pre profesionales, Vocational training, challenges, teachings, social work


The professional training process is usually complemented by a practical part that for the student means an important component, since it is a new stage accompanied by multiple emotions, learning anecdotes, and above all it is a period in which doubts about the intervention of the professional career arise more naturally because the first steps are being taken as a social worker. In this sense, this article aims to offer a critical reflection on pre-professional practices in Social Work students at the National University of Central Peru from a personal perspective with anecdotes and advice that can help future generations in practice. demonstrating its impact on the formation of a professional character of many students.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Rojas, M. (2022). A first date with professionalism. eflexiones n rabajo ocial, 2(1), 77–81. etrieved from https://revistas.uncp.edu.pe/index.php/reflexiones/article/view/1655