The Gaucho Friend's Journey


  • Mg. Victor Hugo MAMANI National University of Jujuy


peak experience, cultural and profes- sional practice, health, life


This article rescues a "peak" experience of the author where he allows himself to build personal and professional
reflections from the gaucho culture that is revealed in the face of an event that breaks into daily life.
It also rescues learning about socio-affective networks in rural areas and the healing potential of mitigating
pain in the community, from cultural practices in relation to death. It also rethinks the fast pace of our lives
and its effects on health and life, as well as our scant reflection on professional times and the times of our rural town.


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• Ceberio, M. (2015) “El estilo terapéutico”, Cla- se del Diplomado en Terapia familiar sistémi- ca, ESA, Jujuy Argentina.

• Mamaní V.H (2009) “En red-ando salud y cali- dad de vida”, Lumen-Humanitas

• Bertucelli, S. (2019) “Redes Comunitarias en Salud y educación”, Curso organizado por el Centro de Estudios Socioculturales y Acción Comunitaria Jakasiña, 9 deMarzo, Jujuy-Ar- gentina.

• Gimello, R. (2013) Experiencias Cumbres. Ex- traído de http://www.escuelatranspersonal. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/experien- cias-cumbre.pdf.



How to Cite

MAMANI, M. V. H. (2022). The Gaucho Friend’s Journey. eflexiones n rabajo ocial, 2(1), 31–35. etrieved from