Human Rights, Social Reintegration and Restorative Justice in Mexico


  • Samuel Aguillón León Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Lic. Anabel Ascencio Pérez Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico


Women, Human Rights, Social seclusion, Pu- blic Politics


The objective of this document is to analyze the reforms that have been implemented to the Mexican Justice System as well as the concept and principles of Human Rights. Likewise, it allows us to know the perspective that women and men are deprived of liberty have about Human Rights, how these affect of benefit their stay in prison and if at some point in their lives they have faced a violation of your Rights. By knowing the brief fragments of of the four people, we will be able to enter into the negative experiences they have faced and that keep them deprived of their freedom.



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How to Cite

Aguillón León, D. S., & Ascencio Pérez, L. A. (2022). Human Rights, Social Reintegration and Restorative Justice in Mexico. eflexiones n rabajo ocial, 2(1), 24–30. etrieved from