attitudes towards machismo in women of the committees of glass of milk human settlement Justice Peace and Life


  • Marilu Uribe Hinostroza National University of the Center of Peru - Faculty of Social Work
  • Miryam Rosas Guevara National University of the Center of Peru - Faculty of Social Work
  • Jenny Trucios De La Cruz National University of the Center of Peru - Faculty of Social Work


Machismo, Masculinity, feminism, gender


Machismo is a socio-cultural phenomenon that is transmitted from generation to generation and is seen as the model of being men associated with aggression, the set of attributes, values, roles and behaviors that are supposed essential male in agiven culture (De Keijzer, 2002) and is manifested in different forms and stages, this phenomenon also implies supremacy over the womanhood considered inferior to the male gender; however sexist attitudes are not necessarily assumed by men, rather it has been shown in some studies that many women would show more accepting attitudes machismo naturalizing in everyday life to it obeys the
research entitled: “Attitudes toward machismo in women Committee of Glass of milk of Human Life settlement Peace and Justice “. The aim of the research was to characterize machismo attitudes toward women in committees Glass of Milk Programme Human Settlement Justice Peace and Life. The population is made up of 500 women, the sample was constituted by 96 women, the attitude scale was used to machismo created by Maria Rosa Bustamante in 1990, which aims to identify attitudes towards machismo, the scale consists of 59 items, divided into five sub - scales. The conclusions that can be reached in the investigation are: Faced with the scale of attitudes towards male dominance, women’s PVL. JVP trends show attitudes of rejection machismo, regarding attitudes
toward male superiority attitudes present ambivalence sometimes reject machismo machismo and sometimes accepted. In attitudes toward home address also they have ambivalent attitudes on acceptance or rejection of machismo. Faced with the socialization of male and female sex role attitudes are ambivalent. Which means it’s relative is not given or undifferentiated sex game that should be given the same type of education to men and women the daughters children. For attitudes to sexuality
control exercised by men women show tendency to reject attitudes of machismo and consider the relationship both men and women should respect each other, keeping faithfulness. Besides that women can freely exercise their sexuality. 


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How to Cite

Uribe Hinostroza, M., Rosas Guevara, M., & Trucios De La Cruz, J. (2022). attitudes towards machismo in women of the committees of glass of milk human settlement Justice Peace and Life. eflexiones n rabajo ocial, 2(1), 5–14. etrieved from